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Automation will end with all the jobs

Automation will take our jobs, we will all stand without money and unable to work and starve as machines takes all the jobs and just a few people who own the companies will be able to earn money

Automation and the Media

Why do we assume automation is the doom of our society?

The media has painted automation as the doom of our society. They do this as a way to generate clicks to their articles, to generate views on their pages so they can earn more money from ads. Nothing generates more views that click-bait and shock- factor. They ignore all the solutions and proposals many have made in regards of computer automation and instead focus on doom and gloom which will generate views.

Thanks to the media we perceive automation with the following facts:

Our society will decay and it will end with A.I deciding for us

The advent of artificial intelligence will mean for our society the end, as machines become more intelligent than us and we are deemed useless by them. A doomsday scenario out of Hollywood.

As history as showed us, we will adapt and automation will improve our lifestyles.

Automation happened already in our history, and thanks to it  many things that were considered luxury before are common for us now.

From Internet shopping and shipping to our houses, WiFi, Cars, Grocery shopping in one single place, ATM machines, etc.

Many innovations happened thanks to automation, And thanks to production lines with machines what we consider common now were considered luxuries before.



Universities are preparing their students for automation.


Humans have something unique against machines, we have the ability to do Critical Thinking. When we make choices we use our moral and have our responsibilities in mind.

This skill is something machines lack and no this is something automation is not able to replace.


This gives us a tool over automation and computers which means that not all jobs are in danger, a tool which Universities and government aim to sharpen by giving courses with a general skill set and a focus on critical thinking and making them obligatory for their students.


Many experts are already proposing ideas and establishing laws for automation.

Bill Gates Says Robots Should Be Taxed Like Workers, Elon Musk says that Automation Will Force Governments to Introduce Universal Basic Income. Stephen Hawking proposes to regulate the development of A.I, and this is supported by Elon Musk and Bill gates.

This are experts, their word and ideas have a lot of weight and they wont be ignored. They are not the only experts, there are many other experts in the field of technology and science already working on regulations, laws and proposals in the field of robotics and A.I.

This negative image of automation is quite a problem. The general public instead fears automation and protest against it , even when in the past automation improved our lifestyles and created new jobs in many areas. All the sensationalism the media has brought and their focus on just a set of click-bait ideas such as A.I taking over everything has managed to polarize many, even when automation has brought quite a lot of advances in technology

The media ignores the following facts of current automation:


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