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The Research Paper

The Future of Employment: How susceptible are jobs to computerization?

In 2013, this paper was published by the Oxford University, the version linked is one published on 2017 , with some small changes. This paper is just a statistical analysis of automation in modern jobs, it uses complex math, advanced probability and statistical models along with an analysis of the history of automation and computerization to create a list of jobs with the probability of each job being automated in the near future. Along this statistical and mathematical analysis, there is also written analysis talking about automation in the future and what jobs will be easier to replace humans with machines. The research paper is pretty much, but as their graphics show, those numbers are a probability, a calculated one, which of course can be used with no problem to instill fear.

Examples of graphs and tables shown in the     research paper

Anything without context can be used as a weapon.

Without the context of the whole research paper and just extracting the graphs and data tables, this numbers can affect any reader. But the context is simple, this research paper uses mathematics and statistic models, it is just a probability . And what is worst is that it is suppose to focus only on automation, its not taking into account what can we do to prepare for the future or how society will adapt to automation.


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